We are ready to help!

Do you need any help with your Flexo Wash machine, spare parts, or service or do you simply just have a general question? We are ready to help you with whatever you need help for.

For more specific service request regarding e.g. quotation on spares go to service

For more specific liquid request regarding e.g. quotation on liquids go to liquid


Langs Skoven 38
8541 Skoedstrup, Denmark

Headquarters: +45 86 99 36 31
Service Department: +45 60 14 75 63 // service@flexowash.com

Opening hours:

Monday:         8.00am-4.00pm (CET)
Tuesday:         8.00am-4.00pm (CET)
Wednesday:         8.00am-4.00pm (CET)
Thursday:      8.00am-4.00pm (CET)
Friday:         8.00am-3.30pm (CET)
Saturday:                CLOSED
Sunday:                    CLOSED

*Please note that opening hours may vary on holidays and during vacation periods.